Download And Install Node.js On Mac

Oct 21, 2018 Download node js mac installer (pkg file) from node js official site. Click the downloaded file to open installer. Process the installation as normal by click next or continue button.

  • Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • In this article, we will see how to download and install Node js on Mac OS. Node js download and installation steps on Mac OS: 1. Go to website 2. Click on LTS version to start download. Then it starts download to Downloads directory in Mac OS. Once Download completes, double click on Continue reading How to download and install Node js on Mac OS.

Just like any programming language, platform, or library, getting up and running with Node.js takes some initial setup before you can start hacking away. Luckily, it's pretty simple.. here, we'll show you how to get Node set up with MacOS.

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Just like any programming language, platform, or library, getting up and running with Node.js takes some initial setup before you can start hacking away. With Node.js, the only initial setup required is, quite simply, getting the binary installed.

In this brief tutorial, we'll take a quick look at how to get Node.js on MacOS. Once we've completed the entirety of the tutorial, you'll be ready to take the next step with Node.js.

This guide covers installing Node.js on the following versions of OS X and MacOS: OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), and MacOS 10.11. These are the versions that are consistently tested and supported by the Node.js build process at the time of writing.

Step 0: The Quick Guide (TL;DR) to Get Node.js Installed on MacOS

Here's the abbreviated guide, highlighting the major steps:

  1. Go to the Node.js Downloads page
  2. Download Node.js for MacOS by clicking the 'Macintosh Installer' option
  3. Run the downloaded Node.js .pkg Installer
  4. Run the installer, including accepting the license, selecting the destination, and authenticating for the install.
  5. You're finished! To ensure Node.js has been installed, run node -v in your terminal - you should get something like v6.9.4

Step 1: Download the Node.js .pkg Installer

As our first step, we need to actually get the official installer for Node.js on MacOS. To do so, we can head over to the Node.js Downloads page to download the installer.

You can get the MacOS installer by clicking the Macintosh Installer option - this will download the .pkg installer for Node.js. Make sure you save it somewhere that you'll be able to access it!

Step 2: Run the Node.js Installer

Now that you've got the installer downloaded, you'll need to run it. The installer is a pretty typical interface - it won't take long to get through it (under a minute), even though there are a few parts to it. You can get through it by following the guide below:

  • Introduction
    • Select Continue
  • License
    • Select Continue
    • Select Agree
  • Installation Type
    • Select Install
    • Authenticate with your Mac to allow the Installation
    • Select Install Software
  • Summary
    • Select Close

Step 3: Verify That Node.js Was Properly Installed

To verify that Node.js was installed correctly on your Mac, you can run the following command in your terminal:

If Node.js was properly installed, you'll see something close to (but probably not exactly) this:

Step 4: Update Your npm Version

As one last step for good measure, we'll update your version of npm.

Node.js always ships with a specific version of npm - Node.js doesn't (and shouldn't!) automatically update npm. The npm releases aren't synced with Node.js releases. Because of this, there's almost always a newer version of npm than the one that is installed by default with a given version of Node.

To easily update your version of npm, you can run the following command:

Step 6: Start Building With Node.js!

Now you've got Node.js on your Mac. It's time to start exploring!

Thankfully, we've got your back. We've got a ton of articles on getting started with Node.js! If you're interested in exploring ES6, you should check out our article on some of the most exciting ES6 features in Node.js. Looking for ways to standardize your JavaScript code across your team? In that case, you should check out our guide to using ESLint to build code standards in Node.js applications. Maybe you'd just like to start deploying your applications? Solidworks 2019 free download for mac crack. In that case, check out our guide on deploying Node.js apps with systemd!

That said, if you want to keep in touch with Node.js and the surrounding ecosystem, you should go follow @NodeSource on Twitter! We'll keep you updated with important news from the Node.js project, and share the best Node.js tutorials, guides, and tools that the community has to offer!


Upgrade Node Js Mac

Published at DZone with permission of Tierney Cyren, DZone MVB. See the original article here.

Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.


In this tutorial, i am going to tell you how to install Node js in Mac OS. But before that let us understand what Node js is and why should we use it?

Node js is a javascript run time environment, and it is built on Chrome’s v8 engine. It executes a javascript programme in the browser. Node js has provided superpowers to javascript as other programming languages have.

Why should we use Node JS?

Every programming language has its own benefits, when we talk about Node js, it was developed considering better performance and scalability for software applications. It’s a power-packed tool which is used for large and complex web and mobile applications.

Here are the few reasons to use Node JS.

  • It is fast and easy.
  • Large single free code base.
  • It is fast because of Google support
  • It can be used client and server side.
  • It supports Mac OS, Windows and Linux.
  • Best for building games and chat apps.
  • It’s a best used free server side language.
  • It is best for enterprise level web applications.
  • Code execution is better than other programming languages.
  • It enhances the effectiveness of front-end and back-end development.

How to Install Node js in Mac OS?

Head over to node js official website and download the node js installer. You’ll see a few versions, but I would suggest downloading the recommended version.

Once your installer is downloaded, then click on it and let the install wizard do its work. It’ll install both Node and NPM (node package manager), NPM allows us to install other packages in the node_modules folder.

Then accept the agreement and install the node js in your mac os.

Finally it will ask you to make sure /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH. Run the command to check the path.

Use the below method to check whether Node js working correctly or not by using below commands.

Press ‘control’ + ‘c’ twice to come out from the node terminal.


Run the following command to check the node version.